How to Get Google AdSense Approval in First Attempts with Tricks

How to Get Google AdSense Approval in First Attempts with Tricks

Google AdSense one of the most popular mediums to monetize website traffic. It cannot be wrong if we say AdSense is traffic converter into cash. Before starting blogging everyone has the target in mind to get AdSense account approval so blogging can start earning medium also. If you tried to get the rejection from AdSense account and feel hopeless to get your traffic into cash flow. Now you are in the right place where we will share with you how you can get Google AdSense approval on the first attempt without having heavy visitor flow. I am sure before coming to this post you tried search trick to get Google AdSense to account approval but always failed due to lack of proper preparation before applying AdSense account.

If you are searching for Google AdSense approval tricks on the first attempt it means you know very well what the use of Google AdSense is. Google AdSense is the way of starting your own business with a high income if you succeed to get AdSense approval. If you are a passionate blogger but always get the rejection from Google AdSense account then now we are going to disclose a secret behind Google AdSense accounts approval in the first attempt in this post.

Before going to unhide tricks AdSense account approval keep in mind always never give up.

To reveal the tricks of Google AdSense Approval without SEO expertise you should read each and every point to understand how Google AdSense account approval can be accepted at the first attempt.

What should do to get Google AdSense Account Approval on First Attempt?

To know about Google AdSense tricks read the below point and apply with your blog before going to apply for AdSense account.

1: Your blog should 6 months old


As per Google AdSense policy, your blog or website domain should have at least 6 months of activation time. So wait until your blog should 6 months old.

Don’t- If you think your blog not 6-month-old then don’t apply for AdSense. You will be rejected as per Google policy criteria.

2: Minimum Number of Post for AdSense


As there is no exact number of posts required for AdSense approval in Google policy. So at least make 20 post before going to apply for the AdSense account.


Never be excited about Google AdSense account approval. Be confirm you have a sufficient number of posts to Google AdSense Advertisement can be run on your blog. The maximum number of post will increase Google AdSense approval chances more.

3: Use Original Content


Use always original content for your website. It should not be copied from other websites and pests in your post. Content is king of post ranking and also the key to Google AdSense approval in the first attempt. Do the research and create original content for your blog and website.

Check out the plagiarism detector to confirm your content unique or copied.


Do not use duplicate content which copies from the internet and pest into your blog. Google detects duplicate content during verification of AdSense account.

4: Appropriate content 

There are many small mistakes can be the reason for Google AdSense rejection again and again. never add any content which voids the AdSense policy.

to check the Google AdSense policy appropriate content type go through  AdSense policy details here.


Never add any word and post in add which not pass the AdSense policy. To check AdSense policy term and condition get details here.

5: Post should not only images


If you really serious about AdSense account approval then always add content with images. Google always verify the blog can server advertisement for the visitor before get it approved.


Never post only images in your post, always do mix-up things.  Only add the image as per post requirement never make it exceed of limit which post look like only a picture gallery.

6: Should not run another advertisement


Google never accept your AdSense account if it’s already running third party advertisement.so before applying Google AdSense make sure you have removed all third party advertisements.


If you are confident that you have a blog that can get AdSense account approval than don’t apply other advertisements.

7: Minimum world required on a per post


There is no certain number mention in AdSense policy to get AdSense account approval, but as per SEO expert and recommendation is should be at least 500 worlds in per post. Try adding maximum number will make your blog more eligible for advertisement run on your website, and a win-win chance for you to get Google AdSense.


Never apply Google AdSense if your blog post word size is less than 300. It will be 100% rejection with insufficient content reason.

8: Title should correctly describe your post


Google search engine get some meta text from your post so make to matching title for your post which also related content and images in post.


Never try to miss a guide with your title of the post. You will be rejected if the title describes something and post and content doesn’t about it.

Exp- Title is how to get Google AdSense to account approval without high traffic. But the post is related to selling any product or electronic item which make user miss guide.


What if Google AdSense Not approved?

I always say never-give-up, don’t think without AdSense you can convert your traffic into cash. There are lots of monetize platform available to convert your blog traffic into cash.

There is always a new way starting when end first way. So see below best Google AdSense Alternative to get High pay for your traffic.

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