What is the need for Wireless Site Survey?

Wireless Link Site survey feasibility check

What is Site Survey? To connecting long-distance wireless point to site survey is the important task before execution of the site. What steps and tools are required  Wireless Link Site survey feasibility check and successful connectivity. Wireless Link Site survey feasibility check Long Distance A Site Survey is a map/diagrammatic representation of the site where … Read more

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Best Billing Bandwidth and Subscriber Management software for ISP

Bandwidth and subscriber Management Software

Best Bandwidth and User management Gateway for Internet Service Provider (ISP) Today the internet growing very fast all over the world, so to make it faster many people involved with it. Internet providing us to manage and find everything with fingertips on the way. if you are looking to start work as an internet service … Read more

How to Configure DMZ in OpenWrt

DMZ configuration in openwrt

DMZ configuration in OpenWrt Wi-Fi Routers DMZ feature mostly required to access private IP addresses from the public network using the DMZ option. You can access your NVR and DVR from any location using the internet for live view. What is DMZ Before using DMZ or port forwarding configuration you should know “what is DMZ … Read more

What is OLT GPON ONU in Optical Fiber Network

GEPON OLT Configuration for Fiber Network

GEPON OLT Configuration for Fiber Network OLT, GPON, EPON, ONU, ONT all are equipment used in an optical fiber network to provide maximum and highest data transmission speed with minimizing network costing. OLT Device used at the start point of centralizing office node and ONU used at last endpoint to termination of the line. Between … Read more

OpenWrt(LUCI) Repeater (Client+AP) Configuration

OpenWrt Repeater Mode Configuration

OpenWrt Repeater Mode Configuration The first Question is why OpenWrt Repeater Mode Configuration required and why use repeater mode? the simple answer is to repeat Your existing WiFi signal to the dark area to get the strong signal in every corner. There are many ways to configure OpenWrt Powered devices in Repeater mode. Another word … Read more