Can Random Video Chats Really Expand Your Social Life?

Having a well-rounded social calendar may not be one of life’s necessities, but it sure can make a difference – especially if you’ve been going without it for a while. While someone’s “social life” usually entails things like backyard barbecues or get-togethers at local watering holes, it’s also possible to get some valuable human interaction from random video chatting.

What does random video chatting have to offer that you can’t get from real life? As it happens, quite a bit. On a site like Chatrandom, for example, you can have endless conversations with no strings attached, which is a pretty sweet deal for anyone who has a hard time meeting new people. Plus, if your weekend plans get suddenly canceled, you’ll always be able to get some socializing in at any time of day or night.

Your friends could actually benefit from what you’ve learned during video chats.

Yes, this extends to more than just the cheesy one-liners you’ve picked up from your chat partners. In fact, if your friend group has been having a hard time scheduling the next get-together, you could make it happen with the help of a group video call. Not just to talk with each other, although that would be a viable option.

You could also plan a pizza night, play games with each other, have a singing contest, or complete various challenges – all activities you can find people doing on video chat sites. Not all your ideas will knock it out of the park, but that’s why you get your friends to pitch in – they’ll quickly realize that you don’t need a brilliant idea in order to have a fun time together. It might still be better to hang out in person, but if that isn’t possible, your video chat expertise could help fill in the gaps.

Your social circles could include people you met online.

Most people go to video chat websites in order to chat with strangers, but it’s also possible to make real connections. However, you have to be on the right website for this to happen. Not every random chat site lets you reconnect with previous chat partners, so you’ll want a site that 1) lets you keep track of your chat history, or 2) lets you connect with the profiles of other members. Otherwise, you’ll probably just have one chance to talk to each person.

It all depends on the kind of friendships you want from your time spent video chatting. Do you want to meet chat partners who’ll stick around for a lively conversation, and then move on? Or do you want to find someone you can keep up with through text or video chats, even after the first conversation is done? The first kind of connection is more common – after all, random chats are the main offering of these sites – but it’s quite possible to start and maintain long-term friendships with people you met while random chatting.

Random video chatting is a guaranteed way to increase the amount of human contact you’re getting.

Sometimes you just need to talk to more people, whether or not they’re going to end up being your friends. Variety is the spice of life, and that counts for your social life just as much as anything else. If you feel like you need something new to happen, even if it isn’t anything life-changing, random video chatting could provide the answer.

If you’re doing this mainly for entertainment purposes, random chat sites have you covered. Features like gender and location filters are popular on many chat sites, so you could play around with your chat settings to see what the algorithm turns up. You might even be able to refine your results based on shared interests, meaning you’ll have something in common with everyone you talk to.

Your social anxiety could actually decrease after spending some time on random chat sites.

Some people aren’t able to be as social as they want because of outward circumstances. A demanding job, family obligations, or even living in the country can all prevent you from mingling with friends and strangers alike. However, other people avoid social situations because of the anxiety they feel every time they have to interact with someone else.

Ironically, random video chats present a possible solution to social anxiety – in some cases, at least. Sure, it seems counterintuitive to recommend something like video chatting with strangers for people with social anxiety. However, there are a couple of key differences between video chatting and real-life conversations that are worth noting.

Firstly, your chat partners aren’t going to judge you as a person if you don’t turn out to be as funny, smart, or interesting as they wanted. They’ll simply skip to the next chat. Secondly, you get to skip past chat partners too – especially if you feel like you’ve messed up somehow, and the conversation seems like it’s past redeeming. After all, isn’t that one of the main causes of anxiety? With an instant fresh start just a click away, it’s easier to relax and be present for the chat you’re currently in. There’s no need to get distracted planning all kinds of disaster scenarios in your head; they can be eliminated as soon as you hit the “next chat” button!

Chat rooms can lend a sense of community to your random chatting.

If you want something with a bit more context than randomized chats, try finding a site that offers chat rooms. They could be organized around sexual orientation, gender, specific hobbies, and more. You’ll still be meeting random strangers, but they’ll be a little less random if you meet them in a chat room.

Some people want a new online friend or two, while others are just looking for some entertaining conversations with strangers. Maybe one of these sounds appealing to you – or you’re more interested in something in between. Whatever the case, the first step is to see for yourself what random video chatting is all about.

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